Emergency Management Performance Grant
EMPG Overview
The Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) encourages the development of comprehensive disaster preparedness and assistance plans, programs, capabilities, and organizations by the states and by county governments. Funds under this program are appropriated by Congress for allocation to the states by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The states, in turn, are responsible for subgranting these funds to county emergency management organizations for reimbursement of salaries and benefits. Grants are available on a 50 percent matching basis.
Are You Eligible?
Eligible entities are all county governments within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
How Can These Funds be Used?
Financial and technical assistance is provided to support state and county governments' efforts to improve their emergency response capabilities.
By providing this assistance, the federal government stresses the importance of, and the fact that there is a national interest in, all jurisdictions having emergency management programs that:
- Have a dedicated staff to conduct and coordinate emergency management activities
- Prepare and maintain comprehensive Emergency Operations Plans (EOP) that address relevant hazards
- Ensure that all members of the emergency response organization receive the necessary training
- Ensure that there is an aggressive exercise program that provides a means to evaluate and test plans, people, procedures, equipment, etc.
- Apply the results and lessons learned from self assessments, deficiencies identified during the conduct of exercises, EOP reviews, and post-disaster response critiques to improve the jurisdiction's emergency response capabilities
How to Apply
Applications can be submitted electronically in the Electronic Single Application.
What to Expect after Applying
Award notification is provided to local level after PEMA receives the formal award from the federal agency. Timing is generally around August/September depending on the timing of the federal award.